How to Publish a Book

If you have an idea for a book or novel, such as a writing a children's book, a romance novel, a book of poetry, a how-to book or ANY kind of book, there has never been a better time to publish your book. Even in a slumping economy, the book publishing industry has maintained a high sales volume. Writers have seen many changes to the book publishing industry over the years, especially as online booksellers such as have changed the way we buy books. But this has lead to more books getting published, providing writers with the best opportunity in years to get published. If you're ready to write and publish your book, your first step is to write a brief page Book Proposal that describes the book you'd like to write. Whether you plan on writing a mystery novel, a children's book, a recipe book, a romance novel, or a non-fiction how-to guide, all publishers will want to see your book proposal or outline first. Your book proposal should tell the publisher about the book, starting with the title, and provide an overview of what it's about.
Try to estimate how many pages your published book would be, whether or not there would be photos or illustrations, and who you feel will read the book. If you have any data or reference statistics on the market who would read the book, such as similar book sales or size-of-market numbers, include these as well. You can also include an author's background that tells the publisher about you, such as why you're writing the book, what qualifies you to write it, and mentions other things that you have written. When your book proposal is complete, the next step is to write out a chapter list for your book (unless of course, you want to write and publish a children's book). Your chapter list, along with your book proposal, a cover letter and a sample of your writing, comprises your author's package that you will submit to publishers.
Now that you're ready to submit your book proposal and author's package to publishers, you can either get yourself a current directory of book publishers and determine which publishers are best-suited to publishing the type of book you plan on writing, or you can get a Literary Agent to submit your book proposal to publishers for you.